Changing your footer’s year is a thing of the past

How you can automate updating the year in your footer, only with a few JavaScript lines. I am still seeing Blogs and Onlineshops with an outdated year in the footer. This looks unprofessional and hurts trusting the website. If someone can’t manage their footer, is it safe to provide my data? Here is a little… Continue reading Changing your footer’s year is a thing of the past

Chrome Extension Components: A brief overview

Do you like to write a little chrome extension? Perfect, there is a big variety of chrome APIs you have access to. However, every extension´s component has specific advantages and limits. If you already started and used the components for the wrong purpose you might see one of the following errors. The solution is to… Continue reading Chrome Extension Components: A brief overview

Easily refresh all your POP3 E-Mail accounts linked to Gmail with a bookmarklet

A missing feature in Gmail is that you cannot refresh your linked email accounts conveniently. It seems to bother the community as you can see here and here on Google, and here at stack exchange. You can speculate that Google doesn’t like that feature, maybe thinking people will use their Gmail account or switch to… Continue reading Easily refresh all your POP3 E-Mail accounts linked to Gmail with a bookmarklet

Datamaps: How to create and customize a map with JavaScript

In 3 simple steps, you will learn how to create a map and customize it to your needs As a side project, I’m currently creating a website that should provide quick tutorials on how German citizens can get their travel visa and which options there are ( For this project I needed a custom map… Continue reading Datamaps: How to create and customize a map with JavaScript